6/27/08- Graduation!

It's about time for summer break! This gives Be and I a chance to chill, and now I can draw more! (woot!!!) So more will be on dA soon. Hopefully my drawings will get better... -_-; they look awful on the computer... anyway, recently I have discovered an anime called Code Geass, which is just about THE BEST SHOW EVER!!! Its my new obsession. Unfortunatly, I get the feeling that Be isn't as enthusiastic about it as I am... I'm not so good at explaining things, so here's a link for more info on the show: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_geass. To watch it for free go to www.pisoga.com, and follow the links to the list of anime, and look for Code Geass.

I don't know, for those of you who actually read this, THANK YOU!! It really means a lot. If you have any blogs, stories, art, whatever, that you want featured on our website, email Em at [email protected]